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Show menu item descriptions. You must include the placeholder (%s) in at least one of the following arguments in order for the descriptions to show: before, link_before, link_after, after.

You may modify the format of the description by including a descriptions argument and the %s placeholder for where the description should appear (defaults to <div>%s</div>).

new Fire\Menu\Descriptions();

// Use placeholder to tell WordPress where to show the descriptions
    // ...other args
    'descriptions' => '<span class="description">%s</span>',
    'after' => '<div class="menu-item-after">%s</div>',

Would produce output similar to:

<li class="menu-item">
    <a href="#">Link title</a>
    <div class="menu-item-after">
        <span class="description">This is the description</span>

Level Wrapper

This allows you to include wrapping elements for submenus (default is <div></div>).

    // ...other args
    'walker' => new Fire\Menu\LevelWrapWalker('<div class="submenu-wrap">', '</div>'),

Would produce output similar to:

<li class="menu-item-has-children">
    <a href="#">Item</a>
    <div class="submenu-wrap">
        <ul class="submenu">

You may also use a callback function if you need to access the $depth or $args parameters for your wrapper:

    'walker' => (new Fire\Menu\LevelWrapWalker())
        ->setTagsFrom(function (callable $setTags, int $depth, array $args): void {
            $setTags("<div class='wrap-level-$depth'>", "</div>");

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